(Photo by David Cannon/Getty Images North America)

He didnt win the 2009 Masters but he is always on the run for more career achievement and I admire him much for that.
I love watching Tiger Woods playing golf. The play itself is amazingly fantastic, what more his determination and commitment over his game. Every tournament is a serious game to him and yet he said, it wasn't the money he came after, it was the thrill to break and create golf records that pushed him through. I wonder if I could be in that situation. ...definitely not in golf but..in life..

In golf, we form a flight of which consists of 3-4 players with 0-24 handicapp. The basic rule is that no handicap doesnt mean 0 handicapp. Lower handicap means (supposed to be) higher chance to beat the course par rating. If the course is rated Par 72, a 4 handdicapper should be able to play par golf if he/she posted a 76 gross strokes. U could be an alligator if you declare handicap 4 but U play under par several times. In most cases, mainly in baccarat game, under declaring of handicap is a normal practice for the purpose of winning the bet. Let me share with U, most beginners learn golf faster thru this game! Y do U think it is better than learning thru formal lessons? One for sure is that it is unofficial game, can be played in a team, among individuals and the bet is handsome. I just wonder why should the winner pay for all F&B consumed by game's participants?....I heard that the game is just a way to enjoy themselves and the winning prize is just enough to cover their F&B cost for the day. They have great fun, get more friends and huhahuha....To me it is just a social golf game, nothing extra but that is fantastic!

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